performances *
> The basics of speed
Make sure that the L1 and L2 cache are activated in the BIOS. If
you use a Celeron processor, disable L2 cache. L1 cache is of primary
importance, disable it and computer performances are reduced considerably.
Right-click on My Computer and go to the Performance tab. Check
that your parameters are set for maximum performances ; unless
you have reasons to change them (ex: you're trying to troubleshoot
and have disabled some Files system features):
Under "Hard Disk", the settings must be determined by the
RAM capacity of your computer, however Windows does not choose the
best adjustment automatically. Position set the Read-Ahead all the
way up. If you have 32Mb of RAM or more, put the typical use of the
computer on "Network Server". If you have 4 or 8Mo, choose
"Mobile or docking system". In all other cases, choose "Desktop
Under "CD-Rom", make sure that the definition matches the
speed of your CD-Rom and set the Supplemental Cache Size all the way
Under "Troubleshooting", unless you have a good reason to
tick any other, leave only the "Disable synchronous buffer"
checkbox ticked. It bypasses a test of the data written on the hard
disk, and offers a gain in speed of approximately 10%.
You can restart Windows faster by holding the Shift key when you
click on OK for "Restart" in the Shutdown option of the
Start Menu. This restarts only Windows, instead of rebooting the entire
It is a good idea to restart after a GPF or a blue screen.
Unless you use it, disable Active Desktop. Right-click on an empty
space of the desktop, then click on Properties. In the Web tab tick
the box "View my Active Desktop as a Web page". This feature
eats up memory and can slow down your boot-up time by 3-5 seconds.
Along the same lines, you can disable Web Integration when browsing
folders on your hard disk. This option really slows down your computer.
Open a file and go to the View menu then click on "Folder Options..."
Choose either "Classic Style" or "View Web content
in folders" under the heading "Custom..." and choose
"Only for folders where I select As Web Page (View menu)."
You can turn off the Windows 95/98 boot-up logo with the cycling
colors, and it's simple. First, load up a DOS Prompt. Type the following:
Now that file MSDOS.SYS is opened, locate the line "Logo=1".
If you can't find it, add the line "Logo=0" under the [Options]
header. Save the file, exit, then reboot. The Start logo does not
appear any more.
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as a result of the implementation of these instructions.