
20.05.05: The Knights of the Boot have turned to Mobile Clubbing. What is Mobile Clubbing by the way? Mobile clubbing is a flash mob where people from various horizons gather for a short period of time and dance to the sound of their personal stereo in an urban, public space (flashmob). Visit our Mobile Clubbing website at

20.02.02: English version of the Knights of the Boot website was -at last!- updated. The reason why? The Knights recently celebrated the site's first anniversary!

We are delighted that you're more and more numerous to visit the site and give positive feedback. We apologize for the site not being fully localized into English yet. It's actually a lot of work to translate the dozens of pages from the French website. But in case I eventually shake a leg, you could very soon access all this info in English...
Thanks for your understanding and support...

FYI, here's a summary of what you can find on the French site (and much more):

French Homepage
50+ quick tips & tricks
Technical Reviews (Click below for direct access to a specific file)

Flashing a BIOS

A critical operation for advanced users only. It is described in detail with all due warnings and useful recommendations.

Boosting modem speed

Allows to squeeze the last ounce of speed off your modem. Many tips and tricks for beginners as well as experienced users.

Optimizing performances

Wise advice aimed at recovering resources and speeding up your PC. Particularly recommended to owners of older PCs.

Cracking a modem

Describes how to gain full use off a modem when its access is restricted to one ISP.

Quick tips

Instant tips to enhance specific Windows features that can drastically change your life!

Tip of the day

Each day, the Knights of the Boot will provide you with a new powerful trick for Windows and your PC.

Installing a hard drive

Everything you need to know to install a hard drive from scratch. Includes instructions for advanced formatting (mbr format & low level format).

Installing a LAN

Installing a network adapter, configuring a network and sharing an internet connection won't be a big deal after you've read this.



>> - The Knoghts of the Boot mobile clubbing website!
If you are looking for Mobile clubbing hot spots or where to indulge into Mobile Clubbing in Perigueux or the Dordogne, look no further : here is our Mobile Clubbing website The offcial website of the fédération périgourdine de Mobile Clubbing.

>> - 'Boot' SHIVASH's website!
The site you can't ignore! Especially if you live in Dublin or plan to go and party over there (it's full of resources, pics and other useful stuff for party animals!!!)

>> - our French website
Contains way more info than this website; check it out if you dare!...

>> - pure digital pictures
Life is not all about PCs!... Visit this Mac user site and enjoy the superb content & design

If you would like to install a link to the Knights of the Boot website on your own website, here is a standard banner. It currently comes into French, but with a simple e-mail request you will be provided with an English one in no time!


Our French website features a fun page. I have to admit it's crap, but if you've nothing else to do then check

>> The Knights of the Boot fun webpage